Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Nowadays,people are preferring more home made foods,& trying to make themselves too,here i tried homemade chocolates which is very easy to make & tasty too,you can make many types of chocolates.by using different kind of chocolate moulds.


1 dark chocolate 1 bar
Brown chocolate 1 bar
White chocolate 1 bar
( these bars you will get in super market)
2 vessals
Little butter ( optional)


1. Firstly,in one vessal take water & keep for boiling when it starts boiling keep one more vessal which fits on that & put chocolate bar which you want first & leave for a minute,meanwhile keep ready chocolate moulds.

2. Secondly,chocolatestarts melting use one clean sppon & start mixing until it become liquid normally it will be like idli batter.

3. Remove from flame & pour into chocolate moulds & freeze it for 1 hr & remove chocolates from moulds & enjoy.

Notes: here you can use one by one chocolate bars to make chocolate or you can mix two bars & make or melt two bars at the same time & first pour one melted chocolate & immediately pour another one on the top & you can also mix nuts & make,chocolate making is fun where you can make different kinds as you like........

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