Tuesday, February 17, 2015


                                                                    ಕೋವ ಜಾಮೂನು
Normally as i know each person likes jamoon i think,even in my home it is my daughters fav., sweet,but all these days as everyone did even i used readymade jamoon mix like mtr mix or tye other ready mix but several time i heard about khova jamoon but had not tried,so today i tought ok i will try today & i had bought khova or khoya & left in my fridge,so today i prepared & i was afraid how it may come out but surprisingly it was very good & yummy 😃 .

100 gms of khova or khoya
1 & 1/2 tbsp maida or all purpose flour
1/4 tsp of baking soda ( optional) ( i did not use)

2 cups of sugar
2 cups of water
2 cardamom powdered
Saffron threads
2 tbsp milk
2 tbsp water ( to remove scum of sugar syrup)


1. Take khova & maida & baking soda ( if using) & mix well it should not be sticky knead into smooth dough,if you feel dry wet your palms & knead it & keep covered aside for 1/2 hr.

2. In a pan take sugar & water & keep to boil,when sugar dissolves & starts boiling add milk & water mixture & leave it to boil then after few minutes the dirt of sugar starts floating & low the flame & remove the dirt & boil for few more minutes & remove from fire & keep.then add cardamom powder & saffron & mix & keep aside.

3. Heat sufficient oil or ghee & make equal balls of khova & deep fry until golden brown but be aware that the flame should be very medium otherwise the inner part if jamoon doesn't cook properly.

4. Remove & put on the kitchen towel to remove excess if oil or ghee,

5. The sugar syrup should be warm & drop one by one the hamoons into sugar syrup & pour little syrup taking from bottom on the top of jamoons & cover the lid & leave it as it is for few minutes or approximately 1/2 hr to 1 hr.

6. Serve & enjoy.

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