Tuesday, October 21, 2014


                                                                  ಗೋಡಂಬಿ ಬರ್ಫಿ
Soaking time 1 hr
Prep., time 10-12 minutes
Godambi burfi or kaju burfi or kaju katli whatever name you can call this sweet,normally this sweet is favourite of each & every person,it is very tasty & we can't stop eating with one,it goes on.....but caution; weight watchers :-( ..before i was thinking it is very hard to prepare @ home,& everytime bringing from sweets shop & eating & also thinking that how much costly it is..but once i tried this to make @ home yes,it was hit.:-) it came out same as burfi which we get in in sweet shop.i am so happy & now i will be preparing frequently...:-) when i can prepare,sure you can,so try this yummy sweet @ your home & sure you feel happy & feel you saved some money.

Things used
1 cup cashews soaked in water for 1 hr
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water for making sugar syrup
Milk 2-3 tbsp for grinding cashews
1 tbsp ghee

1. Soak cashews for 1 hr & discard the soaked water & grind into smooth paste by adding milk.

2. In a pan heat ghee & add sugar & water & mix & live to boil until you get one thread consistency,
( if you dip the spoon in the syrup & lift then it should fall  farming like thread or if you take in your finger tips & rub with index finger & pull it ,it should form like thread) .

3. Then add grinded cashew paste & keep on mixing.4. Meanwhile keep ready rolling board & pin greased.

5. Keep on mixing until it starts living the sides of pan,then remove from flame & keep on mixing  until you feel that it is is becoming tight to mix,

6. Then pour on greased board & grease your hand with little ghee & try to knead the dough into smooth texture.

7. Next roll the kneaded dough as much thin as you want & cut into desired shape.

8. Store in air tight box,enjoy whenever you want :-)

So here is your yum yum,kaju,katli or burfi........or godambi burfi......

Note; don't add too much milk while grinding then for mixing it takes time.
Discard the soaked water before grinding.

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