Monday, June 30, 2014



This is home made chocolate,i had many nuts & dry fruits,i was thinking what to do,next i was living to b'lore,so i searched many blogs but i was not satisfied & in one blog i got some details,on that based i made some variations & made this yummy chocolate ,every one liked it very much.....


1 cup dark chocolate ( cut into peaces)
1 tsp butter
Nuts ( i used cashews,badam,pista,) 
Dry fruits ( dates,dry mango,raisins,tuti fruiti)
( both including 1/2 cup or little more)
Chocolate chips 1/4 cup


Two vessels

Cake tin or any other plate


Melt chocolate in double boiler method,( keep one vessal filled with water on stove & live it to boil,when water starts boiling keep another bowl with chocolate & butter)

Mean while grease cake tin & spread butter paper & keep ready.

When chocolate melts remove from fire & mix ,then add fruits & nuts & mix quickly & throughly.

Then pour into cake tin & spread evenly.

Keep in refrigerator for 1 hr or until set.

Then remove & cut into peaces.



You can first spread some nuts as first layer or even you can spread pumpkin seeds as first layer & pour the mixture with mixed with remaining fruits & nuts. 

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