Thursday, March 12, 2015


Actually i was seeing my face book,I noticed this recipe from yummy tummy blog,so it was looking attractive & looking yummy too so i thought i will try but i had very less oreo biscuits than mentioned in original recipe so i asked my daughter to bring another packet but she bought bourbon biscuits pack,what to do so I thought i will try with both so started & it came out very well and tasty,as arathi of yummy tummy mentioned that you can use any biscuit but me tried it is,& my daughter liked it,this is also one cake prepared within no time in microwave,it is very easy to make sure kids like it.

10 biscuits of oreo & bourbon ( 5+5) ( any one also you can use)
1/2 cup of milk at room temperature 
Baking powder little less than 3/4 tsp
Sugar 1&1/2 to 2  powdered
Oil for greasing the cake pan or bowl

1. Crush the biscuits in mixie jar to fine powder & keep

2. Take the biscuit powder in a bowl & sugar , milk & baking powder & mix without lumps.

3. Grease microwave safe bowl with oil & pour the batter & tap it and make it even.

4. Microwave on high for 5 mins or little less or more ( mine it was in 3&1/2 - 4 mins)

5. Cool completely & remove.

6. Decorate with icing & cut & serve.

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